Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, have a historically “bad” reputation. Many people have preconceived notions of prenups based on pop culture and tabloids. Often, prenups are associated with a traditionally wealthy spouse trying to shield money and assets from the other spouse, in the event of divorce. Or they are thought of in the context of […]
Category Archives: Family Law
A Very Important Document You Likely Haven’t Executed: Illinois Power of Attorney for Healthcare
As of June 16, 2020, approximately 40% of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in the City of Chicago have occurred in people under the age of 40.While a Power of Attorney for Healthcare (POA) is typically included in a more comprehensive estate plan along with a Power of Attorney for Property, Will and/or Trust, many people under the age of 40 do not have a comprehensive estate plan, and therefore do not have a Power of Attorney for Healthcare.People who do not have children are even less likely to have a POA and estate plan set up than their contemporaries with children.